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Miracles Abound

There are two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a Miracle.

The other is as though everything is a Miracle.




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Starting 9/22/2020 through 10/12/2020

Use the Magical Energies of the Equinox to Expand your Light.


This Fall Equinox date vibrates

to the number 8!


Take an adventure with me to harness your energies to bring in your full potential.

The message spirit is telling me right now, is how important it is for everyone to learn to raise your vibration at will. I've been guided to develop a course to do just that. It's 3 weeks, 21 days of daily emails from me, plus some videos. Learn tips and techniques to raise your vibration while working with the current energies. With daily emails you'll be able to participate at your convenience.

This course covers various topics such as recommended supplements and oils for strengthening your immune system, how to use crystals and gemstones, energy movements for clearing your field of negativity and fear, mandala exercises, meditations, affirmations, tapping, animal energy meanings, and much moreYou'll be exposed to basically everything energy and metaphysical for empowering yourself. Course members will be able to access a special community on my website to post your Miracle Moments and share your experiences and dreams. Your dreams have many spiritual

messages for you. Posted dreams will be

interpreted so the whole group can benefit.

You'll be empowered to rise above the chaos and thrive in these extreme energies of our time.

For just $5 a day, join me as we experience the 2020 Fall Equinox Energies. What's Included:

  • Miracles Abound Reiki Charged Crystal

  • 21 Lessons as Daily Emails / occasional Videos

  • Access to Miracles Abound Website Community

  • Dream Interpretations

2 options available for payment, $105 full payment or pay $35 weekly as you go. No commitment needed to take entire course, sign up for all 3 weeks or just 1 week. Your crystal will be mailed after payment is received.


If you are having financial difficulties use the Donate Button and offer whatever you can. Also if you offer services or products and would like to trade, contact me.

$35 Weekly Payments

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EquinoxPhoto by Johannes Plenio on Unspl
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$105 Full Payment

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